Disciples of christ

Love. Learn. Lead. Serve.

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A Legacy of Excellence

Regis St. Mary Catholic School enjoys an excellent reputation throughout the state in academics, service, athletics, and extracurricular activities. Fr. Francis Sherbring and the Sisters of St. Mary of Oregon opened the St. Mary Campus in 1929. The Regis Campus was founded in 1963 by a group of determined community members.

As the state’s only rural Catholic PreK-12 school, it reflects the values of a committed and caring community.  The three top reasons parents choose Regis St. Mary Catholic School for their children are the faith-based education, the rigorous academic curriculum, and the chance to be part of a passionate Christ-centered caring community.

The mission of Regis St. Mary is to develop disciples of Christ who love, learn, lead, and serve. We welcome students of all faiths to take advantage of the Catholic education environment of our school.

Alumni Day

Alumni Day will be held on October 11, 2024, starting at 4 PM in the Regis courtyard, just before the homecoming football game. Enjoy complimentary food and drinks, and alumni will receive free admission to the football game. Additionally, we will be hosting a cornhole tournament starting at 5 PM.

Every Donation Matters

Each year, necessary funds must be raised to provide dependable, recurring and budgeted support for Regis St. Mary. Every donation to our Give Hope Fund, no matter the size, helps us reach our annual giving goal.

Green and Gold Gala

Join us for the Green and Gold Gala on April 26, 2025! Mark your calendars for an unforgettable evening in support of Regis St. Mary. More details to come—don’t miss it!


“Love one another as I have loved you.” (John 13:34)

The distinguishing characteristic of a disciple of Christ is a life of love. Our students grow in love of God through participation in the sacraments, daily prayer, and study of sacred scripture. They grow in love of their neighbor through regular acts of service to those who are most in need. Supported by the entire school community, our students recognize they are beloved sons and daughters of God and temples of the Holy Spirit. This allows them to respond to God’s grace with an integrated life of fellowship, exercise, relaxation, and times of rest with the Lord.


“Jesus said, ‘come and see.’” (John 1:39)

Just as the Apostles learned by being with Christ, our students grow in discipleship by coming into daily contact with Jesus. We prepare our graduates to evangelize the world through demanding courses rooted in Gospel values and grounded in the rich tradition of Catholic education. Our well-rounded academic, spiritual, athletic, theatre, and student life programs enable our students to be critical thinkers, excellent communicators, responsible citizens, and leaders in our community and the greater world.


“As the Father has sent me, even so I send you.” (John 20:21)

Having been loved by God, our students invite others to share in the beauty, goodness, and truth of life in Jesus Christ. As disciples of Christ the King, this includes sharing the faith with their families, artfully communicating Christian beliefs in society, and courageously promoting Gospel values by word and deed in their chosen career field. Our faith-filled environment gives students the time and space necessary to listen to the Holy Spirit, discern their vocation, and see how they are called to lead others to holiness.


“If I then … have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” (John 13:14-15)

Guided by the tenants of Catholic Social Teaching, our students regularly participate in the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. By serving Jesus in our neighbors in need, students come to understand the central importance of charity and compassion in the life of a disciple of Christ. As a school, we place a special emphasis on providing food for the hungry, defending the dignity of life, and proper stewardship of the environment in our local community.

Join our Ram Family

We are proud to be Rams—standing strong together through adversity on and off the field. We encourage our students to feel pride in the school they represent and its long history in the community, to conduct themselves with poise on and off the field and to be disciplined in their preparation for competition.

Become a Ram today!

Passion for Faith & Education

We have been truly blessed by Regis St. Mary’s school. Top notch communication, assistance and guidance! We as parents are inspired and thankful every single day to see the dedication of these teachers who pour themselves into our children, our future. They truly have a passion for faith, education, serving others and instilling a love for learning in our kids!

— Kim H. / Parent

Foundation for Success

As parents we want to do the very best we can for our kids, give them the best foundation and set them up for success in every way possible. In a rapidly changing culture and climate that often feels so uncertain, faith, hope and a moral compass is more important now than ever. With the faith-based education and encouragement towards mission and service that our kids receive here, I feel that Regis St. Mary and the community that surrounds us does just that.

—Leslie R. / Parent

Such a Blessing

Regis has been such a blessing to our family. The staff give their whole hearts into making sure our children have a solid education as well as a thriving Catholic faith.

—Meghan B. / Parent


High School Graduation Rate


Student Teacher Ratio


Families Receiving Tuition Assistance


Students in National Honor Society


Service Hours Completed

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